Add a countdown element to your page to display something like a Coming Soon page or an event in the future. Over to the Add Element section on the left, and we find the countdown element here. Click Hold and Drag and drop it in the area where you want it to display. It comes in with some settings from the beginning. To interact with it, click on it. The first thing you'll notice are these handles on the left and the right that you can click, hold, and drag, and it will reduce the space of the element within the box. Let's go back to the settings at the top. At the settings, you will also see that width we just controlled. You have access to it over here, and you can put it in percentage or within pixels. Then you have styling options and your effects. For the element itself, we go all the way to the left where we see countdown. Three styles you can choose from, the default, then with the labels on the right, and then no labels. You set your date over here. Day first, month second, and then the year. You can also determine the hour at which it will happen, and then set your time zone in the bottom.
If you don't need all this data, you can go to advanced and select those that you do not want to display in case you want to free up some space or you think seconds and minutes is just pushing it a little bit too far. All your styling options in terms of topography is here. Remember, you select between the number and the title up here to style them individually. The color options as well. But the most important part of this is something that's often overlooked, and that's here at the link function. Link here relates to an action or a redirect. What happens when this countdown comes to an end? Have you ever gone to a website and you've seen a countdown that's at zero? It doesn't look good. It means someone forgot to update the website It's important that you try and do something when the countdown finishes. It is set to none. If you don't make any changes here, it will go down to that zero, zero and stay there at zero, zero. Alternatively, you can click on hide, and that means the element is removed once the countdown is over, or you can click a show message.
This is just a little bit of text that says, great, welcome. The other option that you have is a redirect, and that will take the visitor to another page. If you had some promotion that has come to an end and you want to direct them to the real page of the product, you can put that in here. Remember to go and check it also on tablet and mobile displays to make sure that it looks good there and that it does fit in within those displays and tweak them where needed.